XY, known in the west as Pokémon The Series: XY, is the new saga within the Pokémon anime series to tie in with the release of the Pokémon X & Y videogames. After his travel through the Decolora Islands, Ash soon learns of a new, region called Kalos and he heads there to continue his dream of being a Pokémon Master, followed once again by Team Rocket who have new orders from Giovanni. It is due to begin in Japan on October 17th 2013.
Clemont is the Gym Leader of Lumiose City and, when he originally meets Ash, he refuses to battle him because he has yet to earn any Gym Badges within the Kalos region. He is an avid inventor and within his backpack is a device known as the Aipom Arm,
Clemont is the Gym Leader of Lumiose City and, when he originally meets Ash, he refuses to battle him because he has yet to earn any Gym Badges within the Kalos region. He is an avid inventor and within his backpack is a device known as the Aipom Arm,
Bonnie is Clemont's sister and joins him in his travels in order to help him find a wife. She also holds onto the various Pokémon that Clemont uses, and is easily excited by new Pokémon.
Bonnie is Clemont's sister and joins him in his travels in order to help him find a wife. She also holds onto the various Pokémon that Clemont uses, and is easily excited by new Pokémon.
Serena is a Pokémon Trainer who is just starting her journey. However, she has a history with Ash, having been childhood friends in years gone by.
Serena is a Pokémon Trainer who is just starting her journey. However, she has a history with Ash, having been childhood friends in years gone by.
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